An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Wednesday asked voters to rate Democrats, Republicans and the Tea Party movement as positive or negative. The Tea Party topped the list at 41%, either Very or Somewhat Positive, Democrats followed with 35%, Republicans, 28%. It seems there is some discontent out there!
Tim Cox is deeply aware of that discontent, and is scheduled to appear on the Fox & Friends morning show, this Sunday at 7:50 EST. His organization, called “Get Out of Our House,” or GOOOH (pronounced GO), promises a sensible, practical way to replace every member of the House of Representatives. GOOOH was the brainchild of Cox, a Texan whose simple plan takes the two parties and the corrupting special interests out of the political process. GOOOH replaces “professional politicians” with citizen legislators who serve their country and go home.
1. GOOOH candidates are selected for all 435 House seats outside the election primary process.
2. Candidates are selected locally by their peers, based on their answers to a 100-question issue survey. Issues are determined locally. GOOOH is a party without a platform.
3. Each GOOOH member pledges to donate $100 to fund a national campaign, generating $50M from 500,000 people.
4. Candidates pledge to limit themselves to two terms in office.
Cox said, in an interview Wednesday on WGN Midday News, Chicago, “We contend the problem is politicians of both parties.” Cox sees GOOOH as a system that groups across the country can utilize to elect their candidates. Cox envisions the day, coming soon, when “GOOOH will combine all these splinter groups into a baseball bat!” Watch Tim on Fox & Friends this Sunday, 7:50 a.m. EST.
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